BZE v5 testnet is up and running

beezee Community
Published in
2 min readJan 28, 2022


Public test network released

As you may know we are working hard on our v5 release. We explained a lot about this in this articles. This upgrade will bring a lot of improvements and will open our door to Cosmos Universe.

This upgrade requires a public testnet available so we can all test new features and get to know our next release better. The testnet is currently running with two validators issued since genesis and 2 other nodes. One of the nodes is exposing gRPC and REST public endpoints meant to be used for testing.

We recommend the following resources to help you start using the testnet:

  1. Cosmos SDK docs
  2. Tendermint docs
  3. Interacting with a node
  4. BZE testnet REST endpoint
  5. BZE testnet gRPC endpoint
  6. BZE testnet RPC endpoint
  7. BZE testnet release
  8. Denomination “utestbze” and 1,000,000 utestbze is equal to 1 testbze.
  9. Testnet chain id is “bzetestnet-1
  10. Testnet genesis file

BZE testnet release is in fact our daemon and it will be updated periodically. It will remain on the same version v5.0.0 until the network goes live (until the swap starts). Make sure you follow us to always use the up to date binaries.

We can not offer a faucet for testnet yet but we invite you on our discord if you need any testnet coins.

With this goal achieved we can move on with testing, further blockchain development and upgrade swap testing.

Thank you all for the amazing support you have been showing. You guys are amazing!

Feel free to engage in a discussion with us on any of our communication channels: Twitter, BitcoinTalk, Medium Publication, Reddit, Discord or Telegram.



beezee Community

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